Catholic Book of the Dead and the Miraculous

Catholic Book of the Dead and the Miraculous

October 13th, 2021

By Glenn Valois

Death: The one journey we must all take from this earth to the new life beyond. This presentation explores ways we have tried to explain and cope with death throughout history. Discover how Roman and Hebrew funeral customs influenced early Christian rites; how the Middle Ages and the "Black Death" gave rise to customs we maintain today; and how the Protestant Reformation helped shape our modern funeral practices. Explore how different cultures view death - from an Irish wake to a Japanese Catholic funeral, from Mexican ceremonies to Native American Catholicism and tribal beliefs. Catholic Book of the Dead looks at the heritage of the final journey in the joyful light of the Resurrection. Through the intercession of Mary, the angels and saints, we come to realize that death is the beginning, not the end of life. This two-part series is open to all and is free:

Part I - Catholic Book of the Dead


9:30AM - 11:00 AM


6:30PM – 8:30 PM

Meeting Room: St. Bernard

We will spend some time on different doctrines and devotions, but the main focus will be “Incorruptibles,” Relics, Eucharistic Miracles”

Part II - Explore the "Shroud of Turin" and "Our Lady of Guadalupe"


9:30AM - 11:00 AM


6:30PM – 8:30 PM

Meeting Room: St. Bernard

Both relics have been scrutinized by both faith and science. Spoiler alert, science has failed to prove both sacred objects are fake.

These encounters are “supernatural” and therefore often misunderstood. Part of our discussion will include reasonable ways of explaining these sensational events to others. These events are considered “private revelation” and hold a different weight of truth even if they have been approved the Church (The Church states that they are worthy of belief, but we are not bound to believe). 

Please join us for this discussion…please invite someone to come with you. Again, there is no cost.

Questions? ContactGlenn Valois @ 858-271-0207 ext. 1232 or

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